In the beginning, good always overpowered the evils of all man's sins. But in time, the nations grew weak and our cities fell to slums while evil stood strong. In the dusts of hell lurked the blackest of hates, for he whom you fear awaits you. Now, many, many lifetimes later, lay destroyed, beaten down, only corpses of rebels, ashes of dreams and blood-stained streets. It has been written that those who have the youth have the future, so come now children of the beast, be strong and shout at the devil!
"In the Beginning," Motley Crue
Feel The Power of Satan's majesty!
Fantastic. I used to listen to this a lot. This was the only L.A. metal I ever liked and I soured quickly on even the Crue after this album. Van Halen were great, but they weren't metal in the same way that AC/DC isn't metal.
Thanks Jay, I snagged my faves.
No problem. I knew Joe would stay away, but et tu, Lurker?
I saw this on the three-letter thingy and was wondering who put it up. I saw something on VH1 that was talking about Van Halen being 'tooth metal' before there was 'hair metal' because they smiled when no one else did.
Needless to say, I never liked the Crue. At all.
Then you, sir, were not ALIVE in 1982. You were probably polishing your spectacles while Jay and I were bangin' broads and smokin' doobs. Or something like that.
The Crue definitely had a good run, but they peaked early. Guilty pleasure, but I used to play the shit out of this cassette.
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