I used to love to watch pro football, US style. I guess I still do, but ever since becoming the commisioner of my own league, things have gone downhill. First of all, my team sucks. Yeah, really. Secondly, I thought it would be fun to involve all of my family. All of it. Including: my divorced parents each have a team; my girlfriend has a team; I have a team; my girlfriend's father has a team; each of my two siblings have a team; and my friend Randall, who is super-competitive and lives in the UK has a team. I didn't really think about the awkward pairings (Week One: my mom vs. my dad. Future weeks include my girlfriend's father vs. members of my family whom he has never met... you get the picture). Add into the equation the fact that in my league you can post 'smacktalk' and, well.... again, you get the picture. Dammit.
Ouch, ouch and ouch.
But please tell me that the name of your team is the Tiny White Porcelain Mice.
I'm actually the GutPunchers. I honestly tried to be TMPM, but the name was too long for the script to accept!
Cool name! Is anybody's team called the Cleveland Steamers? That would be both nauseating and hilarious. Not to mention nauseating.
Hey, what happened to your Grampa Simpson avatar?
What is Tiny White Porcelain Mice?
I don't know what happened to Grandpa! Where did you fuckers put him?????
TWPM is from a Letterman top ten of rejected sports names.
Grandpa's showing up for me.
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