I caught X with the Rollins Band Wed. night. I've been a big X fan since I don't know when, but I always knew that they were one of those bands that you could never really get until you see them live. I was right. Despite the fact that Exene Cervenka looks like a bag lady's grandma, and Billy Zoom could pass for a TV preacher, they rocked. Rocked, I say!
And Billy Zoom is a motherfucker! He had a big grin on his face the whole time and just T-O-R-E I-T U-P!!
The Rollins band was about what you'd expect. Henry certainly says what he means and means what he says. And he spits and blows his nose a lot. A L-O-T, I SAY!
I've never seen X, but I did see John Doe when he played the Pyramid Club with Mojo Nixon. I was still in college, so this would have been about 1937 or so ...
Have you ever read any of Henry Rollins's books? I've got Get In The Van, which is his journal during a big chunk of his time with Black Flag. In a word, intense.
I think you read that when we lived in the Gilmore.
Have you got 'We Jam Econo' in your Q?
You are correct, sir!
I'll be visiting Netflix today. Thanks for the reminder.
Have you seen it?
No, somebody keeps moving Six Feet Under seasons up in the Q. It should come around soon, I hope.
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