Either of you guys remember this movie from 1976? I only saw the commercial on TV a couple times, but it's one of those indelible memories from my childhood. (Burned in right beside that creepy-ass trailer for
It's Alive.) I was momentarily obsessed, as I recall, cutting the ad out of the movie section of the paper and drawing pictures of Infra-Man kicking buttocks. He made The Six Million Dollar Man look like an arthritic pussy. I mean, c'mon! Just look at that costume.
Sadly, I never got to see the movie and never really gave it another thought after a few weeks.
Thirty (gasp) years later, I'm talking with a coworker about this fine piece of cinema, only to discover that it's coming out on dvd October 3rd! Hello, serendipity. Hola, coincidence. (Or if you prefer, How's it hangin', synchronicity?)
I almost DON'T want to see it, because there's no way in hell it can measure up to the expectations of the seven year old me.
Anyhoo ...
The Alamo Draughthouse here in Austin showed 'Phantom of the Paradise' with Paul Williams hosting last week. I saw the trailer when we went to see 'Little Miss Sunshine' (a fine movie). Sadly, I couldn't make it.
Holy shit. I found an incredible website about Phantom of the Paradise TODAY! I'll prolly post something about it tomorrow. Dude, I'm on blog fire!
I do remember watching Phantom of the Paradise when it was on TV originally. My brother beat me anytime I dared speak during the airing of it. I think it did permanent damage. I don't remember the movie you first mentioned though.
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