You knew I was gonna.
My Morning Jacket has been one of the bands I have most consistently enjoyed over the last 7 or 8 years. They've been severely imitated to the point where most bands' sound would seem diluted (I'm looking at you, Fleet Foxes), but thanks to Jim James sometimes maddening forays into Prince-ish weirdness and sheer talent, they have remained vital and interesting. I cannot recommend their live show enough. Hopefully they will extend their tour into the fall and hit one of the vital Bastardo locations so I can drag one of your sorry asses with me. Of course, Florida Takes Precedence.
Fine Tunes Provided, Joe. I had previously filed them into my "nondescript three-word bands that the kids seem to like" bin -- with My Chemical Romance, Broken Social Scene, etc...
Then American Dad went all apeshit for them, so I figured I better give a listen.
Looks like they're playing the Bonnaroo festival next week (no chance I'm going despite the proximity) and Austin the week after I'm there.
Haven't made it to this one yet, but thanks. Today is the day.
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