Blog Brethren: Please welcome Simone to the extended bastard family! She arrived late Saturday night 02/12/11 - a valiant day for baby mama - and is our first.
You will all now commence with expert, personal & highly esteemed child-rearing advice. How have you so skillfully guided your own offspring from infants to true Li'l Bastards? Encapsulate the principles into a few memorable, pithy lines for me and for posterity.*
Simone won't say if she's a mod or a rocker. She had intrauterine exposure to high levels of Live McCartney Concert during early gestation, if that helps anyone get a feel for her particular needs.
*[Note: If you have not raised any youngsters, you are not exempt from this charge. You may find it simplest to generalize from techniques employed to nurture a cherished idea, chord progression or small mammal.]
Hey, hey, hey! Congratulations!
First off, learn to live with about half the sleep you used to get. Things will settle down eventually, but that first five months or so will feel like three years.
Secondly, before you have really bonded with Simone, you will wonder on more than one occasion what the hell you were thinking and what ever gave you the idea that you were ready to be a parent. This is normal.
And third, sometime during the first few weeks, expect at least one good late-night crying jag from the wife while the baby shrieks inconsolably in the other room.
Other than that, it's great! (And it does get easier ...)
Congrats, Eric! Jay's optimistic "it does get easier" is a common form of ignorance observable in parents of pre-teens. I would just add, "and then harder again. And more expensive."
Hope your family stays healthy and happy through the transitional phase. Nice having a pediatrician you can trust.
Congratulations!!! I was wondering when you were going to share that bit of news! (I'll take that as a yes, Dave. Maybe change the batteries in your beeper...)
I remember always playing music at an acceptably high volume when my kids would nap. That way, the doorbell could ring, dog could bark, I could drop stuff, etc. and they wouldn't wake up. And I could listen to music while they napped.
I would add to Jay's third point, and then once or twice a week for the next several years.
I say enjoy the tiny little baby time. It goes by REALLY fast.
WooHoo! Other than congratulations, I have nothing to add...because I am barren.
Will she be ready to play the tambourine on Nigel Tufnel Day?
P.S. Joe: This is the first I heard!
Bothvof our kids we colicy and that sucks big time. Oddly enough noise helped get them to sleep. Specifically the vacuum cleaner. We let it run in his bedroom, and actually burned up the motor before we realized that you can buy CDs that play the same sound and don't have the fire hazard of a smoking motor. Good times.
I think the first year or so is the hardest mainly because there a few moments when you feel like you are bonding. T
As you can tell from Matt's most recent comment, maintaining your drinking is also highly important.
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