I'm not even sure who the current Poobah is, but I'd like to nominate Eric as the new Grand Poobah. I nominate Eric because he probably has the least amount of free time. Eric, if elected, you'll be expected to spend 4-6 hours per day working on the blargh. You also have to sit up nights with Jay if he gets collicky. Any seconds?
I think we've all considered Eric Poobah material from early on, exchanging knowing glances as he's distinguished himself post after post. The only concern, I think, was too much free time, which Simone has taken care of for us. Second.
He's got my vote. It'll look good on his resume too.
No arguments here.
Then it is so determined. Matt can't vote because he's a dentist and everyone hates dentists. Eric can't vote because he hasn't slept in 96 hours. Andrew is currently being held at Guantanamo because he's from another country. That leaves we three as the 'brain trust'. Eric's in charge.
(PS: my word verification is 'tarse' which is another word for penis in medieval Britain).
you're a RABID anti-dentite!
I prefer to think of myself as 'ardent'. Or an anti-dentite 'enthusiast'.
P.S. where can I get a hat like the one in the picture? Jay?
I'll loan you mine if you promise to have the cum stains removed before you return it.
It is only with great reluctance that I accept this position, and I promise to give all power back immediately after the separatist uprising has been squashed by .. wait, have I slept?
Please refer to me as The Potentate.
The Potentate's first act is to grant full citizenship to all Dental-Americans. They are to be accorded as much or as little esteem as anyone else on this blargh. They can legally marry in some northeastern states. There will be a Radiohead Parade.
Nigel Tufnel Day is our national holiday and 11/11/11 will be celebrated in perpetuity. If someone points out that 11/11/11 doesn't occur every year, he will be reminded that ours go to eleven.
Ruling is all about delegation of responsibility. I hereby appoint:
Jay - Minister of Them Damn Internets, EfTePee Maven
Joe - Chief Concert Goer and Envy Inducer
Dave - Professor Emeritus of Higher & Lower Education, and of Kicking Ass
Mike - The (Im)Moral Conscience of this Blog, and of America
Matt - Shark Wrangler, Snark Wrangler
Andrew - Vicar of Not Posting for Weeks
The Potentate has spoken, but is quite aware that his installation is not legit without a farcical alcohol-based ceremony.
Very well done sir! You've already put more effort into being the Poobah, er, Potentate than the rest of us combined. As for the alcohol ceremony, I was probably drunk when I made the original post. If not, I will be soon.
Granting full citizenship to dentists is a slippery slope, but if it means Matt will start paying his blog taxes, I'm all for it. The communal treasury has been empty since the last Poobah attended some Poobah convention in New Orleans.
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