This was hands-down the best music biopic I've ever seen. Not that there are any others that are good (maybe 'Buddy Holly Story' and 'I'm Not There'). I can't say I know much about Joy Division, but the kid who plays Ian Curtis (Sam Riley) is spot on, and the music is great. It is, of course, very dark and I won't spoil the ending, but... they didn't change it for Hollywood.
Consider it added to my Netflix queueueueueue.
For amore humorous, but terrific look at that era from another angle, I highly recommend "24-hour Party People," which stars Steve Coogan as Tony Wilson, the founder of factory records.
That one was great too, Andy. Evidently the actor from Control played Mark E. Smith from the Fall in that movie. I can't say I remember him, though.
I'll be checking out both of these.
Oh, while we're talking movies (and you bastards are actually paying attention to the blargh), you can prolly skip Dead Snow. It did not live up to the hype.
Do, however, see The Reader, Milk, Let The Right One In, Frost/Nixon and Doubt.
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