I think SB Cohen misread the level of American homophobia in this film. Maybe 10 years ago this movie works, but today it really doesn't: he simply can't find effective butts for his jokes.
In Borat, the humor is clearly at the expense of the people who are outraged at his character. In Bruno, his targets are surprisingly tolerant of his over-the-top, in-your-face fagness. He gains some traction in the middle east and at a supposed ultimate fighting cage match, but in his encounters with real people, he has to create the humor himself -- his victims do not do him the favor of supplying the humor the way they did in Borat.
Bruno is an editor's nightmare: 20 minutes of good film and a 90 minute film to make. It's at best a renter, and probably disappointing even as that.
I have no desire to go see this. It just doesn't look funny to me at all.
Based on your review, I will skip.
We finally saw The Hangover this past weekend. It was pretty funny when it wasn't trying too hard.
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