From the sometimes reliable Wikipedia:
The Room (2003) is an independent film written, produced, and directed and executive produced by Tommy Wiseau. It is the melodramatic story of a love triangle between a man, his fiancĂ©e, and his best friend. The principal cast includes Wiseau, Juliette Danielle, Greg Sestero, Philip Haldiman, Carolyn Minnott, and Robyn Paris. Without any studio support, Wiseau spent over $6 million on production and marketing for the film. After a brief run in Los Angeles, the film went on to develop a cult following in the city, because of its perceived unintentional humor. It continues to have monthly midnight screenings. Wiseau promotes the film as a black comedy and insists that the “unintentional” humor is intentional, although audience members generally doubt this.Here are a few highlights ...
A truly bizarre interview with Tommy Wiseau, courtesy of The Onion's A.V. Club, can be found here. By the way, I'd feel sorry for this douche if his cult following wasn't making him wealthy.
Have we discussed this before? It seems like I've heard of this. I'm not hip enough for bad cinema. I mean, I just never could make it through 'Plan 9,' even though it was supposed to be so bad it was good. I don't think I could do enough bong hits to make this palatable..
Yeah, it's not bad for a few 30-second bits, but a full-length film of that? Torture.
Joe, I mentioned it to you before but didn't post it. For me, Plan 9 wasn't roll-in-the-floor funny, just amusing.
This, on the other hand ...
"I did not hit her! It's not true! It's bullshit! I did not hit her! I did NAHHHT!"
(Throws water bottle.)
"Oh, hi Mark!"
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