Any of you inglorious basterds gonna see this? If I hadn't seen Tarantino's half of Grindhouse, I'd be chomping at the bit. I'm just wondering how he's going to work his foot fetish into this one ...
Anyway, here's the trailer in case you're on the fence.
I'm leaning towards "no."
I'm not sure what I'm looking forward to more: Brad Pitt's crap southern accent, the fact that they need an awkward narrative patch in his speech to explain to the young 'uns who the Nazis were, or the grim, faux-ironic celebration of the fact that this country and its allies are losing their moral high ground when it comes to torture and other war crimes faster than the sea is rising.
Um...I was going to go see it.
I think I'll wait for reviews, but if Mr. T has his mojo back, I might be in.
That is one crap southern accent, though.
Doubtful, as dreamy as Brad Pitt is. This might be a rainy day rental for me. QT definitely falls in the 'what have you done for me lately' category with me.
I understand.
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