The Lingerie Football League will kick off it's season on Sept. 4. Teams are seven-women sides and play in short shorts, bikini tops, shoulder pads, and helmets (they look like lacrosse helmets). Billing itself as "True Fantasy Football," the league will have teams in Tampa and next year in Charlotte, but alas Memphis is still squeezed out of the big-time Football world.
According to one player, “These aren’t dainty girls, we’re there to play football,” said Danico, who hits the gym every day and bartends part-time at Hooters. “It’s a chance to still be sexy, but play a competitive sport.”
Official site here, but be warned that a very loud player pops up to introduce the league.
Wow, this is the best thing to happen to sports viewing since Kerri Walsh and Misty May.
Jay STILL won't get it.
Lose the bikini tops and we've got a game!
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