I'm sure you bastards remember my summer movie short list post, yes? (I somehow forgot The Dark Knight, but it was on my mental list.) Here's my follow-up, in order of appreciation ...
1) The Dark Knight - A
2) Iron Man - A -
3) The Incredible Hulk - B
4) Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - B -
5) Hellboy II - C +
Rank 'em if you saw 'em, ladies.
Jay, you forgot to rank Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2.
1) The Dark Knight - A
2) Iron Man - A -
3) Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - C-
5) Clone Wars- C -
I would still like to see Tropic Thunder and Pineapple Express.
1)Dark Knight - A
2)Wall-E - A
3)Iron Man - A-
4)Indiana Jones - C
5)Journey to the Centery of the Earth in 3D - B
I'd still like to see the new Woody Allen movie, since Scarlett gets nasty with Penelope. Maybe after a hundred years of movie making, "Woody" is finally living up to his name.
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 - A +
Jay's review of SOTTP2 - F
Dark Knight - A+
Indy - C
Iron Man - A
Step Brothers - D+
Wanted - B+
Anal Adventures 3D - 3D+
Hold Steady - Stay Positive A+. Seriously, this is one of the best albums I've ever heard. Tom Waits - Bone Machine, that's the only album that blew me away as much.
It's rock solid, alright.
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