Friday, May 30, 2008

Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner

Man, I really miss Warren Zevon. The guy was just an amazing songwriter and was an inspiration when facing a painful death from lung cancer. If you've never checked out his final album, The Wind, you should. He recorded it under intense physical pain and somehow managed to make his best album in years. When he was in the last couple of months of his life, Letterman devoted an entire show to him. No other guests, just Warren, his wit, and his music. Here's Warren performing one of my favorites.


Joe said...

I miss Warren too. I still pull out my vinyl copy of Exciteable Boy from time to time. What a masterpiece that is.

His wife has just written a very honest, but evidently very good biography on him. I'd love to read it.

Mike said...

Man, what a solid performance there. I'd love to watch that whole show.

Andrew said...

Great song. My friend Kenny, who Dave knows, used to have this and "Have you ever seen Dallas from a DC9 at night" by the Flatlanders on constant rotation in our apartment when drunk, which was pretty much 19 hours a day. I was in the car with my wife last week and Werewolves of London came on the Radio. She said "Wasn't there some movie about werevolves and London?" Some education needed via Netflix, I think.

Dave said...

Oh Cassandra......

Jay said...

I never really appreciated Mr. Zevon, but I DID think he was hilarious when he appeared on The Larry Sanders Show.