Okay, that's the bad news. I'm happy to report that this is a rock-solid chunk of Memphibian power pop, dripping with that mid-70s, AM radio production. But I must say, you'll be much more satisfied if you go in expecting Todd Rundgren rather than Big Star. (Prior to my purchase, I was a tad nervous, as I couldn't find a sampling of this CD anywhere.)
To my relief, it's miles better than that over-hyped, godawful Rock City disc that finally saw the light of day in 2003. For comparison, you may choose to Forgo The Pinwheels.
Nice welcome home for me. Glad you stepped up to the plate for this one, I'm not a fan of the $18 blind purchases, though I've often done it on the strength of a single track.
Listening to this right now and enjoying very much- thank you! Definitely more in the Eric Carmen/Rasberries/Rundgren axis, but does remind me very agreeably of sunny summer days in the seventies.
Cool! A lot of these melodies are sticking with me, so that's a good sign.
I came home and put on a Bob Welch record after listening to this a couple of times. It had the similar 'of its time' feeling. A couple of the songs are really good, so you can see how if he had been remotely handsome he might have had a hit.
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