I know I mentioned this to Dave before (and he turned me down, the bitch), but the deal is even sweeter than before. Right now, Steam is offering Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, plus a handful of other games and demos, for FREE if you have an Nvidia graphics card. FREE. I guess I should mention that Deathmatch is usually $10.00.
So, Andy and Dave, whether you're gamers or not, you are cordially invited to play Half-Life 2: Deathmatch with Joe, Mike and me. It's a minimal commitment of two hours - or as little as you want to play - on Sunday nights, and it's more fun than should be allowed by law. The learning curve isn't that steep, and we'll be more than happy to spend some game time getting you up to speed.
We've got five regular players at the moment (plus one having technical difficulties), but Jeff has informed me that a friend of his who has an Nvidia graphics card will be joining us soon.
So, c'mon! Cooome ooon ... If nothing else, think of it as a bonding experience; we can actually chat in-game!
Joe or Mike, anything you want to add? Oh! The above image is of me - Büllet Pröne - sending Joe - Pine-Coffin - to his heavenly reward.
The Steam Nvidia offer is here. It's for a limited time, naturally.
The other, lesser blog maintained by the Deathmatchers is here. We mostly use it for downloading maps early or posting updates about the new dedicated server.
Sunday night is my knitting league.
Some of our GAs said they might be innerested. They play Team Fortress, but said they might be willing to slum.
I thought it was worth another try Dave, but I know how you love the competitive knitting.
Help me, Andy-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope ...
Excellent news, Joe!
Dave, tell me more about that knitting league! I'm getting my ass kicked on Sunday nights and looking for a new hobby.
Dave'll kick your ass worse with the flying fury of his deadly knitting needles.
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