This movie absolutely kicks ass. It's a musical in the sense that fully 2/3 of it is...music, though not the break out in song in the middle of a scene type of musical. The music in it is great. It makes me want to go out and get every one of the Frames' albums.
Stop whatever you're doing and go see it now.
Also, Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova had a song on the "I'm Not There" soundtrack.
I'm going to concur with Joe here. I saw this a couple of months ago, and to be honest, at first I didn't know if I liked it. After it had settled in and I'd thought about it a lot, I decided I really liked it.
One of the things that tripped me up was the recording studio scene. To come in with a band off the street and knock out a complicated, multi-time signature song in one take stretched my belief limits. But once I got over myself, I was able to see past that kind of stuff. A really sweet movie.
BTW, Caroline has been a big Frames fan for ages and ages. I think she's got a live one I can Frankly Take Piously.
It's in my queueueueueueueue.
I think it's just in the last few years that hollywood realized it could make money on musicals again, and there have been some creative things happening there. Glad to know this one's a winner.
Yeah, Dave, there was one other issue that I had a problem with, but it would be a bit of a spoiler, so I won't discuss it here.
It's funny that the actor, hansard, was in the Commitments.
Outspand "fender bender" Foster! I loved the Commitments. Hard to believe it's over 15 years-old now.
As instructed, I watched this tonight. Wow, about damn perfect. Great film. Gracias, Jose!
One cool thing, from a non-musician, was the studio scene. It was amazing to see how a band off the street could knock out a complicated, multi-time signature song in one take! Amazing!
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