Believe it or not, classes start for us today! I'm on my prep period now- first period went fine. I love the first few days when they are quiet, shy, and nervous. Two weeks from now they'll be talking incessantly, late for class and I'll become the character from the book on the left. One great thing about teaching is the renewal aspect- every year you get to reevaluate, reasses, and start over. Kids that were a pain in the ass last year are now someone else's pain in the ass, which allows me to be friendlier with them in the hall. If you guys were my class, Jay would be the nerdlinger, Joe would wear the duncecap, and Lurker would be scraping gum off the bottoms of the desk.
Wow, that's early! I don't think my kids are slated to start until the 20th or something like that. I would be wearing the duncecap too! Man, I was terrible in school. I honestly can't remember doing a single homework assignment from about 5th grade. I NEVER studied, couldn't pay attention in class if I wanted, and had a fundamental problem with authority. I always say that I graduated from high school knowing exactly what I couldn't do. I did, however, develop my doodling skills to masterful levels. And I also got in good with the bad girls.
You devil you..... We start so early because we are aligned with a college schedule. Other Durham schools start around the 20th I think. Our advantage is we are out and done on May 20.
Perhaps your semi-professional student status stems from your desire to 'make up' for lost time in grade and secondary school?
That'll be $300.
Give 'em hell, Dave, although I think you missed your calling as a therapist.
Speaking of, anybody watch Arrested Development? I've never seen it, but a neighbor was telling me that David Cross's character is a psychologist who has combined the skill sets of an analyst and therapist. He creates a job title for this new, experimental counseling, which he puts on his business card: analrapist.
The missus feels your pain, Dave; she's doing lots of useless inservice stuff this week, and then the kiddies are back next week.
I miss that sense of renewal you're talking about, but not the gum-scraping or the homework. My son starts his jr year 8/15.
I could start telling you about what a little freak Jay was in school, but he's got as much ammo as I do.
Dish! Dish!
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