Certainly not as interesting as my dissertation, but along those same lines, here is the Presidential Timeline I've been working on. The big deal of it is the interactive timeline, which is still in development, but is now online. The part I worked on was the 'Educators' section. I would love Dave to look at it and give some feedback. Jay, you can look at it, but I don't care what you think.
The timeline is
And a couple of news items about it
here and
Your part sucks, but that timeline is da bomb!
Aww, you're so sweet.
Okay, your part rocks, too. But where the hell is Dave? He should be all over this ...
He's putting every ounce of effort he has to rehydrating his Barleycorn sodden body after his mad dash Mardi Gras bender. Lucky basstard.
Joe, this is fantastic. Sorry it took me so long to look at it. I have already mailed the link to a number of teachers I know and I'm positive I will use this in class- BRAVO! Now get back in your cage....
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