Five little squirrels with acorns to store.
One went to sleep and then there were four!
Four little squirrels hunting acorns in a tree.
One fell down, and now there are three!
Three little squirrels wondering what to do.
One got lost, and now there are two!
Two little squirrels tossing acorns for fun.
One got tired, and now there is one!
One little squirrel playing in the sun.
He ran away, now there are none.
Original Author Unknown
You're getting way too much enjoyment out of this. Are these poor bastards actually getting into your house, or are you just killing them for trespassing on your roof?
No, they're definitely getting in. All the others have been on their way OUT of the house, this one just tried the "back door" first ...
(The other point of entry is one of those mushroom-shaped vents on the roof, which doesn't have a trap on it.)
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