Sunday, August 11, 2013

Let's review, 'cause, it's time to cook...

If you haven't been watching Breaking Bad, you're missing out. Former X-Files writer Vince Gilligan has put together one hell of a show. The final 8 episodes begin tonight on AMC. In case you've been watching Phish concerts online, watching cat videos on you tube, or hangin out at Rock ' Roll Snob in stead of watching Breaking Bad, here's a little synopsis to get you caught up...

AMC is running the first 8 episodes of season 5 prior to the new episode today. Yeah Bitch!


Eric said...

DON'T! tell me what happens!

I never watched an episode of The Sopranos until three years after the series ended.
Beautiful going in completely cold, not knowing anything. I'm doing the same thing with Breaking Bad. This means I'll want to talk to you about it years after you've stopped caring...

Jay said...

I'm with you, Eric. I've watched the first episode. LOVED it, but need to get going on Netflix again.

Mike said...

I watched some of Season 1 and was liking it so I may go the Eric/Jay route once I finish Family Feud. Only on season 7, but it's got some pretty crazy twists so far. 23 seasons to go.

Jay said...


Richard Dawson dies.