Saturday, December 08, 2012

Catchy Saturday?

Long week = you guys get pop music a day late and a holla short.
I'm a big Morning Benders fan, even though they've now changed their name to Pop Etc because "bender" is a pejorative name for gays in the U.K... So they say.
Anyway, I love Chris Chu's voice. There's a good little intro/artist's thoughts bit, song starts around 2:00.


Mike said...

That guy talking about his music sounded EXACTLY like me discussing how I go about posting comments to you bastards' blog posts. It was uncanny.

He sings better than I do, though, a little.

Eric said...

Don't sell yourself short. I heard your Festivus mix is a CD featuring your velvety warble, called Lurker's Lullabyes.

We're all amped for that!

Jay said...

Where might someone acquire some of this Bender Pop Etc?