Friday, September 14, 2012

Jib Jab Worthy

Any of you bastards taking the bait this time around?


Mike said...

A free-falling device achieves its terminal velocity when the downward force of features I haven't even figured out yet equals the upward force of new features I can't begin to understand. This causes the net force on the device to be zero, resulting in a benefit of zero. I'm not buying a fucking iPhone 5 when I'm still figuring my fucking iPhone 3.

Dave said...

I think Caroline's going for it as her Droid is old and cranky. Or is that me?

Jay said...

Well-said as always, Lurker.

Both, Dave. Both.

Eric said...

I joined the cult when my second or third Droid Eris failed. I heart the iPhone 4. If it's upgrade time, I may get sucked into a 5. I hear Siri can tell me when I need to go to the bathroom.