Monday, February 06, 2012

Because George Lucas Doesn't Have Enough of My Money

Who's up for 3D?
I remember going to three or four films in 1999 just so I could see the trailer for Episode I, and ohhhhh the anticipation.
Curiously, Mr. Binks and the Trade Federation Abominations were omitted from the original trailer, as they seem to be again here, for the "new" 3D release out in theaters this week.
This bloggg wasn't even a twinkle in The Founders' collective eye back then, but I bet I would've loved the pre- and post- Episode I commentary.


Jay said...

My kids are FIRED UP.

Dave said...

I'll probably pass as I only liked 2/3 of the original trilogy in the first place, and only 1/3 of the prequal trilogy.

Mike said...

Unless they've added some nude shots of Padma, I'm a no-show.

Joe said...

I have a nerdy 11 year-old that has been chomping at the bit to see this, so I don't have much choice.

Jay said...

I'll be interested to see if it sucks as bad as I remember. There's now some kind of backlash to the original backlash going around ...