The 2/7 of the Bastards who took advantage of the Foo Fighters Fangasm '11 had a great time. We had full access to everyplace except the actual stage and the dressing rooms. Our friend Geof showed us the tour buses, all around backstage and a detailed look at the guitars and rigs of all of the players. We watched from all over the venue from side stage to the 'cage' section for VIPs in the middle of the floor where Grohl performed a couple of solo acoustic numbers. Even free beer from the tech cooler at side stage! Afterward we went to the hospitality room and hung out and caught up with Geof. We didn't meet the band, but I did get a high five from Dave Grohl as he came off stage. The show was awesome and the experience one of a kind.
In the video below, we were standing directly under Grohl's right arm (he's on a riser in the middle of the crowd).
I'm curious where else that badge has power -- I think you should use it to try to get backstage at other shows & presidential debates, to bypass airport security, to use the carpool lane...
Man, sorry I missed it Dave. So it was you and Andrew?
Sounds like an incredible experience! Thanks for the report.
Yep, me and Andy, plus Caroline and another chap named Andy. Next time guys!
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