Dear Artist:
You rocked all sorts of ass with your early releases, then disappeared off the grid. This is unacceptable. We figure you owe us at least three or four more good albums. The reasons for your hiatus - like the opportunity to take better drugs, or the dream of becoming the J.D. Salinger of indie rock - are immaterial.
The rest of the Bastards will be adding to this list. Please get to work.
The Potentate speaks thusly.
You're on notice:
1. The Libertines
2. Jeff Mangum/Neutral Milk Hotel
Until this past Tuesday, I would have said Peter Bjorn And John (you know I'm a Fan of The Pop), but now I would say Boards Of Canada.
Geez, this is harder than it sounds ...
Didn't the Libertines become Babyshambles? Are they still around? I think they were more of a train wreck than a band, anyway.
Denzil. One brilliant album and then........gone.
Nice. I knew this would be edumacational for me.
I don't my PB&J very well, except that "Breaker Breaker" seems to have lodged in the satellite radio incessant play queue.
Never heard of Denzil. Were you in that band, Dave?
Joe, the Libertines are a train wreck AND a band. They disintegrated into Babyshambles (Doherty) and Dirty Pretty Things (Barat). For a brief shining moment two stupendous songwriters - great foils for each other - wrote sweet hot wet melodious punk...
This is actually pretty hard. I can think of plenty that went away too soon (Flop, Smoking Popes) but I'm so used to the passing of ages in between albums, I only tend to notice when one follows too quickly. "Only 8 months since the last one? Is it a live album or just low quality?"
Also, I know the new one just came out, but I can't wait for Semafive.
I'll put the Denzil up this weekend. A very, very English songwriter whose melodies and lyrics I go back to over and over and over again.
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