The Wife and I caught Watchmen over the weekend. I was very pleasantly surprised, especially after reading some reviews, but nothing could really live up to my expectations. The movie is visually stunning, and for the most part, it's well-cast and hews closely to the graphic novel. Without question, Jackie Earle Haley stole the show as Rorschach. He is the character's exact physical manifestation, and everything he says or does is pitch-perfect.
One of the criticisms of the film that I can mention (without ruining anything for you other bastards who haven't seen it) is the music. The soundtrack is obvious and dumb, as if a high school kid were chosen to pick the same tired songs to represent the various eras. Another (slight) criticism I have is of the fetishized depiction of extreme violence, which I seem to recall being more implied in the graphic novel.
My major gripe, however, cannot be discussed until everyone who wants to see the movie, has.
I score Watchmen a solid B. (The Wife gave it a B -.) Anybody else care to weigh in, Lurker?
BONUS: I only recently learned that the teaser posters for Watchmen the film were exactly the same as the teaser posters for Watchmen the graphic novel. Check it out here.
Hopefully tomorrow night I'll get to see it.
Yes, we'll discuss the ending later, but I will admit that until that moment, I honestly thought she was a woman.
You summed it up nicely. We definitely saw the same movie. Good point about the violence--we'll talk offline about that.
Solid B to B+ for me.
It's fucking great is what it is! A-, only for the cliche'd choice of music. I mean, 'Flight of the Valkyries' in the Vietnam scene? Please.
I'm going today. I will give the only opinion that matters when I return. Out!
Loved it. Agree with the music quibble. I know you are probably upset about the ending being different, but in my humble opinion, the point was the same, even if the device used to make it was changed.
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