It's good to know I've been missed, Deighve.
After years and years and years of designing Web sites using table-based layouts (hey, that's how everybody did it back in the day), I have taken the plunge and taught myself to use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), a much more elegant and efficient way of doing things that separates a page's content from its layout. Why was I a hold-out, you may be asking?
1) Even just a couple of years ago, there were many people in my company still using Netscape 4.x, an ancient browser that was incapable of rendering CSS at all. However, a recent glance at our statistics verified that all my current customers are on board with IE6 (ugh), IE7 or Firefox.I've done this completely on my own, with no prodding from anyone else - or hope of monetary compensation - because it's the right thing to do if I want to be regarded as a serious designer. (The look on my non-techie boss's face was priceless when I tried to explain CSS and its benefits to all concerned.) I've worked through a lot of lunches and even made a trip to work last weekend to figure something out that was making me crazy. (Thanks again, IE6!)
2) I had heard some real horror stories about browser rendering differences with CSS and how the same things that rendered beautifully in one browser looked absolutely shitty in another. Weird indents here and there, odd overlaps where there shouldn't be any, who needs that? The only way around, and this is still true with IE6, is to use various CSS hacks to fool the errant browser into doing the right thing. ("* html" has become my new best friend.)
3) I, like most people, tend to stick with what I know.
I'm still Johnny Newguy, and I'm relatively certain that my CSS will be a source of secret embarrassment in a few months, but to get a real sense of how powerful this stuff is, check out css Zen Garden and select some of the different designs in the right-hand column. Keep in mind as you do that the content for each page is exactly the same, only the CSS is changing.
Mind-blowing stuff.
I've been teaching myself to whistle. It is well worth the effort, as it apparently is possible, using whistling, to approximate almost any tune that has ever been written, not to mention imitating a large number of birds and some animals. Wish me luck!!!
Gee. Ahem, Thanks, Jay. Your life is just one fascinating development after another. I can see now why you quit the band.
Okay you bastards, not the most stimulating post of my career I'll admit. I was just trying to explain to Dave where the hell I've been. (Lurker, by the way, is busy too, off somewhere with a jar of mayonnaise, a cock ring, and your mothers.)
You promised not to tell anyone!
The css stuff is pretty amazing. The blog suddenly looks terribly mundane. The layout, I mean, not the riveting content.
Next up, new sock-folding techniques I'm developing! Compelling.
I'm learning to be a sarcastic ass. Your support is appreciated!
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