Here's a couple of NIN videos featuring rehearsals of "1,000,000" and "Letting You," two songs off The Slip. These are live performances, mind you. Tight band.
Not sure what "1,000,000" is about, but based on some other things I've read about Reznor's political leanings, I'd guess "Letting You" is about the Bush Regime.
"We're letting you get away with it!"
Check 'em out here.
I don't HATE NIN. I just don't jump up and down about him like you do.
His stuff does seem to be evolving.
Any news on the Dave recording front?
I have roughs, but you can't have them! Nyah nyah nah nyah nyah!
Send 'em you freak.
I step down from the mountain to grant my permission for Jay to share. I now return to the mountain.
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