Besides Lurker, I mean? (He's already in.) A friend of mine at work thinks he can finagle a game server, so we could password protect and keep out the unwanted.
More than you ever wanted to know about HL2DM here. It's $9.95 from Steam ...
Killing and being killed by your friends is more fun than should be legally allowed. What do you say?
Sounds lovely, zapping and shooting and maiming and all that, but I am not a gamer. And I'm not saying that with pride- I just suck. I was pretty freakin' good at Tomb Raider though, back in the day.
Damn you, Becker! I was sooo looking forward to blowing you to smithereens ...
Two words: Yes!
I got my listen server up and running last night. Now I need a volunteer to see if he can see the server and login using a password. Joe, as Lurker is out of town, I nominate YOU.
Put the dissertation down for 15 minutes tonight and call me.
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