Why is it that when I keep a Netflix movie for a month, their site shows it received within two days of when I mail it back, but when I actually watch and return quickly, they don't show my movies received for TEN days? This has mysteriously happened for our last three movies. Hell, I reported the first one missing because it was taking so long to get back to them.
The practice is called throttling, and they've gotten in trouble for it before. Now apparently I've been flagged as an unprofitable customer. Has it really come to this? Is three movies a month for $9.99 really upsetting their business paradigm that significantly?
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We haven't had that problem, at least that I have noticed. Clearly another case of the world against Jay. You'll give up eventually. I know it, they know it, and you should know it too.
Seriously, though, have you contacted them so that they can deny it? Why would they want you to keep the movie longer?
Maybe if the movies weren't entitled: Pizza Boys: Sausage Explosion! and Can I Rub Your Back: The Haggard Story, the stock boys would quit taking them home on your dime. Just a thought.
"In determining priority for shipping and inventory allocation, we give priority to those members who receive the fewest DVDs through our service. As a result, those subscribers who receive the most movies may experience next-day shipping and receive movies lower in their queue more often than our other subscribers."
Low volume users don't cost them as much money, and I've crossed that line.
And Dave, I OWN both the movies you mentioned, so I didn't rent those.
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