Well, that was a short three weeks. I'm back in Austin and at work. We had a great time hangingoutonthebeach, goingtoDisney, and whatnot. My little sister had her baby while we were there, which was convenient. I also attended my HS reunion (20th) and had a really good time -- even got the 'least changed' award, which was disturbing as I've tried very hard not to be the loser I was in high school these last 20 years. Maybe I should have worn shoes to the get-togethers.
I'll try to post more in the next few days as I've got a lot of commputer time on my hands, what with having a job and all now.
Pics from my trip
here. As if you wanted to see them.
Anybody ever tell you that you look a LOT like Winnie the Pooh? Scary.
I had my 20th last summer, and it was also a lot of fun. I had only kept touch with about 4 or 5 people though, and I was shocked at how many people I literally had no recollection of (in a class of only 100, of which I was the pres).
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